The Microbiology
Graduate Student Handbook
Table of Contents
Message from the Chair 4
Mission of the Interdepartmental Microbiology Program 4
The Microbiology Major 4
Administration 5
Upon Arrival at Iowa State 6
Getting StartedYour First Year
Graduate Student Orientation 8
Assignment of a Temporary Graduate Advisor 8
Research Rotations MICRO 697 8
Choosing a Major Professor 9
Degree Requirements
Degrees Offered 11
Admissions to a Degree Program 11
Required Courses 11
Course Requirements for Doctoral Degree 12
Course Requirements for Master of Science Degree 12
Requirements for Minors in Microbiology 13
“Testing Out” of Required Courses 13
Transferability of Credits from Other Institution 13
Substitute Core Courses 13
Approved List of Courses in the Microbiological Sciences 14
Annual Report of Student Activities 17
Progressing Through Your Degree Program
Program of Study Committee Appointment 18
Program of Study (POS) 18
POS Meeting 19
Preliminary Examination 19
Writing Your Thesis 20
Preparing for Graduation 21
Final Research Seminar 21
Final Examination (Defense) 21
Exit Interview 21
Staying in Touch 21
Additional Academic Activities
Microbiology Graduate Student Organization (MGSO) 22
The Graduate Student Senate (GSS) 22
Student meetings with the Chair 22
Prospective Student Recruitment 22
Meeting with Visiting Scientists 22
Training in Grant Writing 22
Preparing Future Faculty Program 23
Preparing Material for Research Presentations 23
Computer Short Courses 23
AccessPlus 23
Surviving it All 24
Checklist for completion of Graduate Requirements in IM 25
Checklist for completion of Course & Training Requirements 26
Financial Matters
Your Appointment 27
Grants for Research 27
Grants for Professional Travel 27
ISU Student Health Insurance Program 28
Prescription Drug Benefit Program 29
Health Service 29
Vacation and Sick Leave 29
Injuries and Injury Reports 30
Student Counseling 30
Crisis Services through Student Counseling Services 30
Dean of Student Office and Student Assistance Services 31
Administrative Matters
Administrative Assistance 32
Office and Home Addresses 32
Communication 32
Transportation 33
Appendices 34
Annual Report of Student Activities 35
Faculty in the IM Program 37
Summary of Administrative Forms 39
Professional Ethics 41
Laboratory Safety Training 42
Interdepartmental Microbiology Governance Document 43
Dismissal Criteria 47
Nondiscrimination and Sexual Harassment Policies 49
Diversity at Iowa State University 50
Fellowship Opportunity 51
Message from the Chair
As a graduate student in the Interdepartmental Microbiology (IM) program, you have access to a
wide range of opportunities to build your career as a microbiologist. I encourage you to take
advantage of these opportunities. Challenge yourself, your fellow students and the faculty to push
beyond the boundaries of our current knowledge! Do this in all avenues of your education in
courses, in the lab, at journal clubs, workshops, seminars, and professional meetings - and you will
find your graduate experience to be richly rewarding. The faculty in the IM program endeavor to
provide the range of opportunities necessary for scientific development, but your initiative in actively
and creatively pursuing knowledge is the key to your education.
This handbook is designed to provide guidance on the policies and procedures of the IM program.
Like our scientific knowledge, graduate programs evolve and change and these changes are driven by
the efforts and ingenuity of people. I encourage you to talk with your major professor to keep abreast
of policy changes that have been instituted since the printing of this handbook, as well as to provide
your ideas for program improvement to the Chair and members of the Supervisory Committee of
Microbiology at any time.
Mission of the IM Program
Microbiology is integral to global well-being through its central role in agricultural productivity,
human health, environmental quality and restoration, industrial processes, and food production and
safety, as well as its contribution to a basic understanding of all living systems. The mission of the
Graduate Program at Iowa State University is to advance scientific discovery in microbiology by
providing education and research opportunities for future microbiologists.
The Microbiology Major
The Graduate Major in Microbiology is an interdepartmental training program at Iowa State
University that offers the degrees of Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy in Microbiology, and
a minor to students majoring in other programs. The IM program offers a broad range of research
opportunities, including in prokaryotic and eukaryotic microbiology, virology, microbe interactions
with animals, plants and arthropods, and the responses of those hosts to the microbes. Microbiology
training is offered through approximately 69 faculty housed in eighteen departments: Agricultural
and Biosystems Engineering; Agronomy; Animal Science; Biochemistry, Biophysics and Molecular
Biology; Chemical and Biological Engineering; Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering;
Ecology, Evolution, and Organismal Biology; Entomology; Food Science and Human Nutrition;
Genetics, Developmental and Cell Biology; Geological & Atmospheric Sciences; Kinesiology; Natural
Resource Ecology and Management; Plant Pathology and Microbiology; Veterinary Diagnostic and
Production Animal Medicine; Veterinary Microbiology and Preventive Medicine; and Veterinary
Pathology, with some of these faculty having appointments at the National Animal Disease Center or
the National Laboratory for Agriculture and the Environment. Currently, faculty and students are
pursuing research in many areas of microbiology, including microbial biochemistry, ecology, genetics
and molecular biology; biogeochemistry; food safety and security; microbe-host interactions;
bacteriology; immunology; metabolic engineering; mycology; parasitology; virology; and microbial
A major strength of the Graduate Major in Microbiology lies in the combined expertise of its diverse
faculty. The large number of IM faculty in diverse areas of microbiology provides students with
flexibility when choosing a research project and major professor, as well as with a spectrum of course
offerings in microbiology and related disciplines. Activities, including seminars, journal clubs, and the
Microbiology Graduate Student Organization (MGSO), provide opportunities for scientific and social
interactions. These interactions are central to the program goal of providing broad and robust
training while stimulating excellence in Microbiology research.
The activities of the Interdepartmental Microbiology Graduate Program are administered by a Chair,
a Supervisory Committee, and a Program Coordinator. Please feel free to contact them if you have
any questions about the program. For the 2020-2021 academic year, these positions are held by the
following people:
Chair: Melha Mellata, Food Science and Human Nutrition
3346 Food Sciences, 536 Farm House Ln., 515-294-9220
Associate Chair: Nick Peters, Plant Pathology, Entomology and Microbiology
382 Science Hall I, 2237 Osborn Dr., 515-520-2885
Supervisory Committee:
Admissions: David Verhoeven, Vet Microbiology & Preventive Medicine
Curriculum: Kaoru Ikuma
Recruitment: TBD
Associate Chair: Nick Peters, Plant Pathology, Entomology and Microbiology
Ex-Officio Chair: Stephan Schmitz-Esser, Animal Science
Program Coordinator: Dai Nguyen Plant Pathology and Microbiology
207 Science I, 2237 Osborn Dr., 515-294-9052,
When you first arrive, you may find yourself overwhelmed by the number of things you must do. Here
is a list of some of the most important.
1. Visit the Interdepartmental Microbiology Program Office in 207 Science I and introduce yourself
to Dai Nguyen, the Program Coordinator. Dai can help you find your way around the University
administrative offices and answer questions you have about the IM program.
2. Please e-mail Dr. Melha Mellata (mmellata@iastate.edu), IM Chair, to make an appointment if
you have any questions about courses or rotations.
3. Read this HANDBOOK. It is especially important to read the section on Administrative Matters
during your first few days. This handbook is available on-line at: www.micrograd.iastate.edu
4. Register for e-mail at Durham Hall and plan to check it regularly (at least daily). E-mail is the
most common means of communication at Iowa State University.
5. Obtain the following references and examine them carefully. These documents contain all the
University regulations and requirements for graduation.
Graduate College Handbook
Graduate College Thesis Manual
They are available on the Web through the ISU Graduate College Homepage at:
Iowa State Graduate College forms are available on the Internet at:
6. Other references you may wish to obtain at the ISU bookstore or on the web include:
General Catalog:
Schedule of Classes:
Iowa State University phone/e-mail directory (contains two-year calendar of academic dates
and deadlines):
Other References available on the web can be located through the Iowa State University
Homepage: http://www.iastate.edu. Note the alphabet at the top of this page; you can click
through to many subject headings.
7. Other web sites of interest
Iowa State University forms are available on the Internet at:
ISU University-wide POLICY LIBRARY: http://policy.iastate.edu/
Graduate Student Orientation
For new graduate students, the academic year begins with an orientation period which is designed to
ease the transition to graduate study at Iowa State. It is a time to become acquainted with the
Interdepartmental Microbiology program and its members and to prepare for registration and the
start of classes. Along with this handbook, you should have received a schedule of important
orientation activities from the IM program and from the Graduate College. Please refer to them for
information about your responsibilities during orientation.
Which of the following sections that you need to read is determined by how you are being funded.
Students may enter Interdepartmental Microbiology by either of two routes: direct admission into IM
followed by the selection of a major professor, or direct admission into the laboratory of their major
professor. Students entering directly into the IM program are usually supported for their first year on
a Microbiology Research Assistantship and spend their first semester (M.S.) or first year (Ph.D) doing
rotations and choosing a major professor. They should read the entire handbook. Students entering
directly into the laboratory of their major professor must be accepted by the department of their
major professor, hereafter called their “home department”, and must arrange for support through
their major professor and home department. The latter students may skip sections dealing with
temporary advisors, research rotations, and choosing a major professor.
Assignment of a Temporary Graduate Advisor
If you have entered the Interdepartmental Microbiology program directly, by the time of your arrival
for the orientation program, the Chair will act as your Temporary Graduate Advisor. The
responsibilities of your advisor are to guide you in selecting courses during your first year, to discuss
with you the research opportunities in IM, and to suggest laboratories for visits and rotations.
During the first week of the orientation period, you will meet with your advisor for counseling and
preparation of your schedule for the fall semester. If it is necessary to add or drop a course, or change
sections of a course or the number of credits, use an Add/Drop Slip available from the IM Office in
207 Science I.
Research Rotations Micro 697
First year students who enter the Interdepartmental Microbiology program directly as Research
Assistants are required to do laboratory rotations (MICRO 697) to help them choose their major
professor. First-year students who have entered directly into the laboratory of their major professor
are not required to take MICRO 697 or do rotations. Rotation among laboratories within the home
department is encouraged, but such policies are determined by the department. In addition to
helping you choose a major professor, these research rotations provide an interdisciplinary research
experience, give an opportunity to actively participate in the research program of the laboratories in
which you are interested, and promote interaction and exchange of information among research
Microbiology Research Assistants must do three full-length laboratory rotations during their first
year, if you are a Ph.D. student, or two full-length laboratory rotations, if you are an M.S. student
(unless otherwise noted in their offer letter). A full-length rotation is at least 6 weeks long; rotations
typically last 6-8 weeks. You only need to identify one laboratory to rotate in at a time; however, it is
not uncommon to set up all of the rotations near the beginning of the first semester. If you have
made arrangements to do a rotation and later decide not to participate in that rotation, you must
notify the faculty member of your decision as soon as possible after the decision has been made. The
total number of credits of MICRO 697 per semester should be 1 to 6. After two weeks in a laboratory
rotation, you are responsible for contacting your advisor to discuss how the rotation is proceeding. If
you know after two weeks that this is not the area of research you wish to pursue, you should work
with your advisor and the rotation lab manager to terminate the rotation. Students are required to
participate in three full-length rotations.
Choosing a major professor
If you have entered the Interdepartmental Microbiology program directly, much of your first year will
be devoted to the important process of selecting a major professor. This is the person who will guide
you in your graduate studies and whose research group you will join. To help you decide on
professors with whom to rotate, you should make use of the following information:
A description of the IM faculty research on the IM homepage
(www.micrograd.iastate.edu) and on the homepages of the individual faculty (click on the
“Faculty” link on the IM homepage).
Recent publications of the IM faculty (you can find often find references to these on the
faculty homepages or by doing a literature search such as on the web in the Web of
Science search engine [Library Collections Indexes and Abstracts W Web of
Science Go to Form0020Search Click Last 5 years Name [Einstein, A*]]
Most important: Discussions with individual faculty members. Faculty can provide
curriculum vitae and recent publication references. Students are strongly encouraged to
contact and interact with at least six faculty during the rotation selection process.
When you have decided with whom you would like to rotate, you need to personally ask the faculty
member whether you can rotate in his or her laboratory. As part of this discussion, you will need to
tell him or her about your interests and inquire whether there might be space and funding for you
after you finish your rotations. You should also discuss the project you might have for your research.
If you and the faculty member agree to a rotation, you should do the following:
Decide upon mutually acceptable dates to begin and end your rotation in the lab. If your
rotation includes holidays like Thanksgiving or Christmas, you should ask about the work schedule
during this time and indicate if you plan to take any vacation days.
Discuss if there is an expectation of a presentation or short paper so you can plan for this during
the rotation
Discuss the expectations regarding your work schedule (arrival and departure times)
Ask who your main contact will be during your rotation in the lab
During your rotations, you will conduct research but are not required to complete a project. Part of
the process of choosing a lab is learning if there are any additional courses or other requirements
that must be met in the home department of your chosen faculty mentor. These requirements vary
with each department. On completion of each rotation, your performance will be evaluated and the
faculty member will provide a written evaluation to the Chair. These evaluations will be used in the
annual review of each student. You will be asked to evaluate the rotation experience in an interview
with the program Chair at the end of the spring semester.
You should avoid choosing a major professor until after your rotations. If a faculty member attempts
to get a commitment from you before the end of your rotations, you may discuss your interest in the
lab, but you must state, “I can’t actually commit to a lab until my third rotation is completed.”
Remember that as great as your present rotation may be, there is always the possibility that the next
rotation will be even more interesting or promising.
After you finish all of your laboratory rotations, ask the faculty member with whom you would like to
work whether he or she can accept you into his or her laboratory and arrange for your future
financial support. Ask about the amount of the stipend and tuition support. These are things you
need to know when deciding whether to join a specific lab. You can approach this question by
indicating the present amount you receive from IM and ask if the faculty member will be able to
provide the same support. Once a mutual agreement has been reached, please inform the
Interdepartmental Microbiology program Chair and Program Coordinator. Students should initiate a
“Request to Establish a Home Department for Students Admitted to Interdepartmental Majors” form
found at https://www.grad-college.iastate.edu/student/forms/ and bring that form to the IM
administrative office.
Degrees Offered
Interdepartmental Microbiology (IM) offers coursework and research experiences leading to the
degrees of Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy in Microbiology, and a minor to students
majoring in other programs. A Non-thesis Master of Science degree is not offered.
Admissions to a Degree Program
The degree that a student may pursue in the IM program is specified at the time of the student’s
admission into the program. Although a prior M.S. is not required for admission to the Ph.D. program,
criteria for admission to the Ph.D. program are more stringent than to the M.S. program.
Students wishing to pursue a Ph.D. in Interdepartmental Microbiology after completing an MS in the
IM program, or wishing to change the degree that they are pursing from an M.S. to a Ph.D., must re-
apply to the IM program. This application must consist of a Curriculum Vita and an unofficial copy of
their transcript. Students must also arrange for memos from their POS committee members
indicating support or lack of support for entry of the student into doctoral candidacy. Memos
communicated by e-mail are acceptable. These materials should be submitted to the Program
Coordinator of the IM program. The application will be reviewed by the Admissions Committee, with
the same criteria used in evaluating other applications to the Ph.D. program. The Admissions
Committee will decide on one of the following options:
1. The student may change from the M.S. to the Ph.D. program without completing the M.S;
2. The student may pursue the Ph.D. after earning the M.S.;
3. The student is not allowed to pursue the Ph.D. in Microbiology.
Required Courses
It is expected that all graduate students entering the IM program will have a strong background in the
biological sciences, including at least one semester of coursework in each general microbiology and
general genetics, including exposure to molecular biology. Your Major Professor or Temporary
Graduate Advisor will help you determine if you have deficiencies that should be addressed with
additional background courses.
The Microbiology Core Curriculum
To assure that all IM students develop a base of fundamental principles and information essential to
microbiology, all students will take a series of “core courses” in addition to courses specific to
individual interests. Students must receive a C or better in each course and at least a B average over
all six core courses to fulfill this requirement. This policy applies to IM minors as well as majors.
The Microbiology Core Curriculum consists of:
1. Microbial diversity and phylogeny (Micro 551) 1 credit
2. Bacterial molecular genetics and physiology (Micro 552) 1 credit
3. Pathogenic microorganisms. (Micro 553) 1 credit
4. Virology. (Micro 554) 1 credit
5. Fungal Biology (Micro 555) 1 credit
6. Microbial ecology and environmental monitoring (Micro 556) 1 credit
Additional courses required of all majors:
1. Biochemistry (BBMB 404 and BBMB 405, or the equivalent)
2. Responsible Conduct of Research in Science (GR ST 565) 1 credit.
Course Requirements for a Doctoral Degree
Ph.D. candidates majoring in Microbiology must take at least 72 credits; this includes credit from the
Core Curriculum, other courses, and research. Requirements that must be met for the doctoral
degree are the Microbiology Core Curriculum, shown above; at least 3 additional courses (9 credits)
from an approved list of courses in the microbiological sciences, and students must receive a B or
better in each course to fulfill this requirement; and enrollment and credit in the Microbiology
Seminar (Micro 604) at least five times (5 credits). Students must also make at least two formal
scientific presentations; these include presentations given in Micro 604, at scientific conferences, or
during departmental or interdepartmental seminar series. Fulfillment of this requirement requires
approval by the POS committee. Additional course work may be selected to satisfy research interests,
expectations of the POS committee, or home department requirements.
Course Requirements for a Master of Science Degree
M.S. candidates majoring in Microbiology must take at least 30 credits; this includes credit from the
Core Curriculum, other courses, and research. Requirements that must be met for the Master of
Science degree are the Microbiology Core Curriculum, shown above; at least 1 additional course (3
credits) from an approved list of courses in the microbiological sciences, and students must receive a
B or better to fulfill this requirement; and enrollment and credit in the Microbiology Seminar (Micro
604) at least three times (3 credits). Students must also make at least one formal scientific
presentation, and may be a presentation given in Micro 604, at a scientific conference, or during a
departmental or interdepartmental seminar series. Fulfillment of this requirement requires approval
by the POS committee. Additional course work may be selected to satisfy research interests,
expectations of the POS committee, or home department requirements.
Course Requirements for a Minor in Microbiology
Students can receive a Minor in Microbiology by completing the first six courses listed under the
Microbiology Core Curriculum (6 credits), as well as one additional advanced course from the
approved list of courses in the microbiological sciences (3 credits).
“Testing Out” of Required Courses
If you feel that you already know the material covered in one or more of the required microbiology
courses, you may petition to be excused from the requirement. To do this, first discuss the idea with
your Temporary Graduate Advisor or major professor, your POS Committee (if you have one), and the
course instructor. If they agree with your proposal, then you may submit a letter to the IM Chair
requesting permission to be excused from the course requirement. The letter must include a
description or documentation of your previous experience in that subject area. The IM Chair will
submit the request to the IM Curriculum Committee for a decision.
A word of caution: if you are excused from a microbiology course requirement, do not forget to
review the topics covered by the course prior to your preliminary or final exams. You will be expected
to be as knowledgeable on this topic as all other students.
Transferability of Credits from other Institutions
The transferability of credits from other institutions will be determined on a case-by- case basis by
the student’s POS committee and the IM Chair. Credits for seminars, research, workshops and
colloquia are not transferable.
Substitute core courses
For students who are unable to take one or more of the 55X (551-556) series of classes within the
first two years of enrolling in the Microbiology Graduate program, the student may petition his or her
POS committee, with prior approval of the Chair, for permission to 1) if available, take a substitute
course approved by the 55X course instructor (for a partial list of potential substitutions, see table
below); OR 2) if the 55X instructor agrees, to carry out a directed independent study as MICRO
590:Special Topics for 1 or more credits under the supervision of that instructor or a substitute
approved by that instructor. The directed independent study should achieve learning objectives
equivalent to the Micro 55X for which it is being substituted. Additional credits from a 3 credit
substitute course or from the independent study would count toward Microbiology electives. The
major professor and the POS Committee, in consultation with the student, should make the decision
on which option is most appropriate for the student.
The Micro 55X series of core courses were developed to provide all Microbiology Graduate students
with a basic level of knowledge, sufficient for them to successfully pass the preliminary examinations.
Without a minimum of five enrolled students in a given semester, graduate classes are subject to
cancellation for that semester. Bearing both of these things in mind, students should make every
effort to take the 55X courses. The alternatives described above should be considered only when
there is an irreconcilable scheduling conflict that would delay the normal course of the student’s
progress toward his or her degree.
Micro 408
3 cr.
PL P 509
Plant Virology
Alt Spring, uneven
numbered years
2 cr.
VMPM 587
Animal Virology
4 cr.
(VMPM) 608
Molecular Virology
Alt Fall, offered even-
numbered years
3 cr.
Micro 551
Microbial Diversity and Phylogeny
1 cr.
Micro 552
Bacterial Molecular Genetics and
1 cr.
Micro 553
Pathogenic Microorganisms
1 cr.
Micro 554
1 cr.
Micro 555
Fungal Biology
1 cr.
Micro 556
Microbial Ecology and Environmental
1 cr.
Micro 502
Microbial Genetics
Alt Fall, even-numbered
3 cr.
Micro 530
Prokaryotic Diversity and Ecology
Alt Spring, uneven-
numbered years
3 cr.
Micro 586
Medical Bacteriology
Micro 456
Principles of Mycology
3 cr.
*To be an elective.
Micro 585
Soil and Environmental Microbiology
3 cr.
Micro 587
Microbial Ecology
Micro 507
Microbiological Safety of Foods of
Animal Origins
Fall, Spring
3 cr.
Micro 626
Advanced Food Microbiology
Alt Fall, offered uneven-
numbered years
3 cr.
Pl P 506
Plant-Pathogen Interactions
Alt Spring, offered uneven-
numbered years
2 cr.
Pl P 574
Plant Nematology
Alt Fall, offered uneven-
numbered years
2 cr.
Micro 577
Bacterial-Plant Interactions
Alt Spring, even-numbered
3 cr.
Micro 692
Molecular Biology of Plant-Pathogen
Alt Spring, uneven-
numbered year
3 cr.
Intestinal Microbiology
Alt Spring, even-numbered
3 cr.
Micro 625
Mechanisms of Bacterial Pathogenesis
Alt Spring, uneven-
numbered years
3 cr.
VMPM 536
Zoonoses and Environmental Health
Alt Spring, uneven-
numbered years
3 cr.
Ent 574
Medical Entomology
Alt Spring, even-numbered
4 cr.
*Only one of Micro 575 or V MPM 520 can count for the POS.
Micro 575*
3 cr.
Micro 540
Livestock Immunogenetics
Alt Spring, uneven-
numbered years
2 cr.
Micro 615
Molecular Immunology
Alt Fall, uneven-numbered
3 cr.
VMPM 520*
Medical Immunology
3 cr.
advanced micro course work area.
Bioinformatics of Sequences
3 cr.
BCB 546
Computational Skills for Biological Data
3 cr.
Micro 627
Rapid Methods in Food Microbiology
Alt Fall, even-numbered
2 cr.
STAT 587
Statistical Methods for Research
Fall, Spring, Summer
4 cr.
STAT 581
Analysis of Gene Expression Data for
the Biological Sciences
3 cr.
PL P 594
Seed Pathology
Alt Fall, uneven-numbered
2 cr.
Principles of Epidemiology and
Population Growth
3 cr.
All students majoring in Microbiology are required to submit an Annual Report of Student Activities
to the IM Chair by August 15. The format for this report is provided in the appendices. This Annual
Report will be used as a tool to assess the strengths and weaknesses of the IM program, as well as to
monitor the progress of all students in the IM program.
NOTE: The IM Program must have up-to-date Annual Reports before the IM Chair will provide a
signature of approval on forms needed for advancement through the degree program.
NOTE: A cumulative GPA of at least 3.0 is required for tuition support by the Graduate College.
If your overall GPA drops below 3.0, it is likely that you will have to pay this tuition yourself. The
grading scale at ISU is: A (4.0), A- (3.67), B+ (3.33), B (3.0), B- (2.67), C+ (2.33), C (2.0), C- (1.67),
D+ (1.33), D (1.0), and F (0). Research grades (699, 697) do not count towards GPA.
Program of Study Committee Appointment
After you have obtained a major professor and home department, you will, in consultation with your
major professor, decide on a suitable program for completion of your graduate course work. It is then
necessary to appoint a graduate Program of Study (POS) Committee. The composition and
responsibilities of the POS committee will be in accordance with the Graduate College guidelines.
The POS committee should include faculty whose research interests can aid and complement your
research interests, as well as faculty whose expertise will ensure that you graduate with a breadth of
knowledge. The POS committee for a doctoral student must consist of at least five members of the
Graduate Faculty. These faculty are listed in the back of the Graduate Handbook. The committee
must include at least three faculty, including the major professor, from within the Interdepartmental
Microbiology major. At least one faculty member must be either outside the Microbiology major or
outside your home department.
The POS committee for a master’s student must consist of at least three members of the Graduate
Faculty. It must include two members, including the major professor, from inside the
Interdepartmental Microbiology major. One member of the committee must be either outside the
major or outside your home department.
The Grad College recommends having your POS committee formed as early as the second semester
of your degree program. This is especially important for MS students as they generally have about 2
to 2.5 years to complete their degree.
Program of Study
Once the chosen members of the POS committee have agreed to serve, the next step is to call your
committee together, inform them of your research plans, and ask for their evaluation of your plans.
The Graduate College Program of Study is one of the more important documents you will encounter
while in graduate school. In essence, it is a contract between you and the graduate school indicating
the minimum course work which must be taken to complete a Ph.D. or M.S. degree. No changes can
be made in it without the mutual approval of yourself, your committee, and the Graduate College.
After meeting with your POS Committee, now is the time to prepare and complete your Program of
Study and Committee appointment (POSC) form. Use the POSC worksheet to help you practice prior
to submitting the official online POSC form in AccessPlus. When filling out the POSC form, be sure to
use the correct course designators. It would be helpful if the Core IM courses are listed together on
the form followed by the required seminars.
When the POSC form is completed and submitted, it will initiate an online approval process whereby
the form will be routed automatically to the major professor, committee members, the
Interdepartmental Microbiology Program DOGE and finally the Grad College for approval. Students
are responsible to check on the status of their POSC to make sure it gets approved by the Grad
College. This is especially important if students are planning to schedule a preliminary or final oral
exam. The POSC must be received and approved by the Grad College a term before either of these
exams is to be held.
Changes that occur in a student’s program of study, such as due to changed objectives or
unavailability of courses, should be approved by the student’s committee and the IM Chair. Any
recommended changes made after the student’s POSC has been approved by the Grad College should
be submitted on the online POSC form through AccessPlus and will require approval of the student,
major professor, committee members involved and the IM DOGE before seeking final approval of the
Grad College.
POS Meetings
The recommended time-frame for completing the POS tasks is to 1) form the POS Committee and 2)
prepare and submit a written description of the proposed research to POS Committee, have a POS
Committee meeting, and file the POSC Form within six months of joining a lab.
Each year after the formation of your POS committee you should set up a time to meet with the
members of your POS committee. IM recommends that Ph.D. students plan to do this in October of
each school year following the Ph.D. Prelim (at least three committee members must be present),
and recommends that M.S. students meet yearly until the final defense (at least two committee
members must be present). Discussion should center on how your research is progressing and if there
are areas that need to be addressed.
Scheduling a POS Committee meeting can sometimes be difficult; most professors have very full
schedules. A recommended approach is to pick a two-week interval and then ask all POS committee
members to list their free times during that interval. The student should estimate the time required
for the meeting, in consultation with the major professor, and state this in their initial message to the
POS committee members. The two-week interval should be at least several weeks in the future. After
the faculty respond, the student can select one or a few times when everyone appears to be free, and
when a room is available for the meeting, and again solicit the opinions of the POS committee
members. This whole process needs to be completed in one or two days so that slots that were free
during the initial inquiry remain free. E-mail generally works best for this process.
Preliminary Examination
Ph.D. candidates majoring in Microbiology must pass a Preliminary Examination. The purpose of the
Preliminary Examination is to test
1) breadth of knowledge in the area of Microbiology
2) depth of knowledge in a student’s particular research area and
3) critical thinking skills especially as they pertain to the scientific method and hypothesis-based
For this purpose, the Preliminary Exam must contain both a written and an oral component. The
nature of the written component is determined by the POS Committee and the home department,
but often takes the form of a written grant proposal on research that is distinct from, but related to,
the student’s dissertation research. In this case, a major component of the oral examination is usually
a defense of this proposal.
To initiate your Preliminary Exam, a Request-for-Preliminary-Examination form should be turned into
the Graduate College at least two weeks prior to the date of your Preliminary Examination. “Request
for Preliminary Examination” forms are available in IM Program Office and at the Graduate College.
After processing your request, the Graduate College will send the IM Program Office the Preliminary
Examination form, and this form should be given to your major professor. The results of the
Preliminary Examination will be recorded on this form, it will be signed by all committee members,
and it must be returned to the Graduate College. All committee members must be present at this
examination. This examination should be completed by the end of the first semester of the third year
of graduate training.
M.S. candidates are not required to take a Preliminary Examination.
Writing Your Thesis
All ISU theses will be digital (“ETDs” converted to a single file in PDF format) and submitted on-line.
You are to check with the Grad College requirements and deadlines in the documents at
All graduate theses and dissertations submitted to Iowa State University must comply with the
requirements established by the Graduate College, as stated in the current Thesis Manual
http://www.grad-college.iastate.edu/current/thesis/thesis_template/ The Graduate College reviews
the final thesis or dissertation and approves the final format before signing the final Approval Slip.
Staffs are available to advise students on formatting problems they may encounter. In addition, staff
conduct several informational seminars and workshops early each semester.
Preparing for Graduation
Each semester, the Graduate College publishes the deadline dates at http://www.grad-
college.iastate.edu/calendar/ for submission of appropriate forms and paperwork. Early in the
semester in which you expect to graduate, you must submit to the Graduate College an Application
for Graduation (https://www.grad-college.iastate.edu/student/forms/graduation-application/) for
that term. To apply for graduation, log into your Accessplus account and fill out your Application for
Graduation. Your Application for Graduation needs to be approved by the Graduate College before
you could schedule your Final Oral Exam for that term. If you do not graduate at the expected time, a
new diploma slip must be submitted at a later time.
After the dissertation or thesis has been completed, you should consult with your major professor
and POS Committee to arrange a time for the Final Research Seminar and Final Examination. You
must also request permission from the Graduate College to schedule the Final Examination using the
“Request for Final Examination” form. This form is available online at the Graduate College website
(https://www.grad-college.iastate.edu/student/forms/). When the Graduate College receives this
request they will send a “Report of Final Examination for reporting the examination result to the IM
Program Coordinator, who will then provide the form to your major professor.
Final Research Seminar
All students are required to present a formal, public seminar describing their completed research.
The seminar must be announced at least 2 weeks in advance to the Interdepartmental Microbiology
faculty and students. You must notify the Chair and the IM Program Coordinator, and they will make
the announcements.
Final Examination (Defense)
The Final Examination for the Ph.D. and M.S. degrees is an oral defense of the Ph.D. dissertation or
M.S. thesis. All members of your POS committee must be present. This examination reviews the
thesis and your knowledge of relevant subjects.
Exit Interview
When you receive the “Graduate Student Approval Slip for Graduation” form from the Graduate
College, schedule at least a 15 minute exit interview with the IM Chair. You will need the Chair’s
signature as DOGE for Microbiology on the Graduate Student Approval Slip.
Staying in Touch
Interdepartmental Microbiology always enjoys hearing from you. Please stay in touch with us at
The activities listed below are not required, but are encouraged.
Microbiology Graduate Student Organization (M.G.S.O.)
The M.G.S.O. is an academically oriented organization whose main purpose is to unite fellow
graduate students pursuing similar career goals in areas of Microbiology. It is an active forum for the
discussion of microbiology related topics and actively sponsors guest speakers.
The Graduate Student Senate
Information on the Graduate Student Senate, G44 Memorial Union, can be found at https://www-
gpss.sws.iastate.edu/. The Interdepartmental Microbiology Program has a student elected
representative on this council, and the election for this representative is administered by the
Microbiology Graduate Student Organization.
Student Meetings with the Chair
The IM program will have yearly or bi-yearly spring meetings (usually in May) in which students in
their second year or beyond are encouraged to meet with the Chair and Supervisory Committee. The
purpose of these meetings is to provide feedback on how the program is doing and what can be done
to improve it.
Prospective Student Recruitment
The IM program occasionally requests students to meet for lunch or evening meals in an informal
atmosphere with prospective graduate students. This is an opportunity for the prospective student to
get the “real scoop” on graduate training at ISU. IM pays for the meals. Notices of meeting
opportunities are made through e-mail to all of students.
Meetings with Visiting Scientists
The IM program occasionally offers opportunities for students to meet with visiting scientists for
lunch or evening meals. IM pays for the meals. Notices of such opportunities are made through e-
mail to all students, and participation in such meetings is strongly encouraged.
Training in Grant Writing
Students are encouraged to participate in activities that provide experience in grant writing. The
following courses offer such experience: Writing Proposals and Grant Applications (Engl 509), a
special section is sometimes offered for non-English major graduate students; Grant Proposal Writing
(FSHN 695); Entomology 590E Special Research Topics: Communications in Biological Sciences (Ent
Preparing Future Faculty Program
Preparing Future Faculty (PFF) is a national program for postdoctoral fellows and M.S. and Ph.D.
students that is designed to provide supplemental preparation for a faculty career through a
combination of seminars, mentoring, and practical classroom and service experiences
(http://www.celt.iastate.edu/graduate-students-postdocs/preparing-future-faculty). The PFF
program at ISU is designed to be flexible, so students can participate in the program for as few as one
or as many as four semesters, and semester components can be altered to fit individual
Preparing Material for Research Presentations
The Instructional Technology Center office on campus provides services relating to visual and audio
media, including loaning equipment to departments, students, faculty, and staff. Although most of
the equipment used in 1200 Communications Building is free to students, you will need to pay for
some things.
Computer Short Courses
Academic Information Technologies (AIT) offers Short Courses on a wide range of topics related to
the use of technologies, including beginning and advanced courses on the use of Project Vincent,
Virtual Tour of Gopherspace, World Wide Web, and Microsoft Word for Windows and MacIntosh. The
Solution Center, 192 Parks Library (294-4000, email: [email protected]) can assist with questions
regarding short course registration, computers, software or the network. Because of the student
computing fees paid by all students, you can take the short courses for free. The Computation Center
Newsletter is free if requested and can be sent to your campus mailing address.
AccessPlus is your secure and personalized online resource for accessing your important and
confidential university information and web applications. AccessPlus is available to Iowa State
University students and faculty/staff, day or night, seven days a week, from anywhere in the world.
To login to AccessPlus, all you need is your Social Security Number or University ID, and your
university PIN. Once inside AccessPlus, your tabs and menus are customized to meet your specific
needs. For example, only registered students can view their current course schedule, and only
faculty/staff can view their most recent pay information.
AccessPlus offers a wide range of services from changing your address and managing your CyCash
account to viewing, or even paying your university bill online. Some of the other many services
available for students through AccessPlus include:
class registration
class schedules
financial aid
grade reports and transcripts
graduate student status
university bill
Surviving it All
One of the first genuine shocks for many students in graduate school is how hard they need to work
to keep up with classes, research, and other responsibilities. Most students find that they need to
work harder as graduate students than at any time before in their lives, and the number of hours per
week can be staggering. If you are like most students and discover that there simply are not enough
hours in the day, then the best way to survive is to learn how to select your priorities and focus on
them. Your professor, other faculty, and your fellow students can give you advice. If you feel so
overwhelmed that you cannot function efficiently, counseling services are also available on campus
specifically to help students who are having trouble meeting their personal and professional
obligations. Student Counseling Services are available on the third floor of the Student Services
Building. Their phone number is 294-5056.
Degree Sought:
Date Started in IM: ______________________________
Major Professor:
Co-advisor (if any):
Minor or Co-Major:
For each requirement in the following sections, list the term and year you met the requirement; for
example, F14, S15, or SS15. If you have not completed a requirement yet, leave the line blank. Times
when you should complete each requirement are indicated in parentheses.
Academic Requirements
Joined Laboratory of Major Professor:
Request to Establish a Home Department: ________________
POS Committee Formed:
(within 6 months of joining your major professor’s laboratory)
Research Plan and Program of Study Approved by the POS Committee:
(within 6 months of joining your major professor’s laboratory)
POSC Submitted and Approved by the Grad College: __________________
Preliminary Exam (Ph.D. only):
(by the end of first semester of third year) (Note: The preliminary exam must include a written component)
Thesis Submitted to POS Committee:
(The thesis must be given to your POS committee at least two weeks prior to your defense.)
Final Research Seminar: ____________________
(Note: This must be a public seminar and the announcement must be given to the IM Program Coordinator to distribute to all
IM faculty and students. If possible, the seminar should be given during a regularly scheduled seminar series.)
Defense: ______________________
If requirement has been
waived, indicate date of
Semester Completed approval of waiver.*
Core Courses
Micro 551 _________________ ________________
(Microbial diversity and phylogeny)
Micro 552 _________________ ________________
(Bacterial molecular genetics and physiology)
Micro 553 _________________ ________________
(Pathogenic microorganisms)
Micro 554 _________________ ________________
Micro 555 _________________ ________________
(Fungal Biology)
Micro 556 _________________ ________________
(Microbial ecology and environmental monitoring)
BBMB 404 _________________ ________________
BBMB 405 _________________ ________________
GR ST 565
(Professional Practice in the Life Sciences)
_________________ ________________
Other required courses
Additional Microbiology courses _________________ ________________
9 credits (Ph.D.) or 3 credits (M.S.)
Micro 604 _________________ ________________
(Microbiology Seminar)
5 credits (Ph.D.) or 3 credits (M.S.)
Other requirements
Formal presentations _________________ ________________
2 for Ph.D. or 1 for M.S.
*The transferability of credits from other institutions will be determined on a case-by-case basis by the
student’s POS Committee and the IM Chair. To waive a course requirement, send a memo, signed by
your major professor (on behalf of your POS Committee) and the instructor of the course you wish to
waive, to the IM Chair. The memo should state that you have already received satisfactory instruction
in the subject matter covered by the required course. Credits for seminars, workshops and colloquia are
not transferable.
Your Appointment
Most students in Interdepartmental Microbiology receive some form of financial support. However,
the amount, source of the support, and responsibilities associated with it, vary from situation to
situation. Students entering directly may be awarded a research assistantship (RA) funded by
Interdepartmental Microbiology during their first year; thus, for these students, the amount of the
stipend for the first year is usually determined by the IM program. Stipends for students supported by
the faculty are determined by the faculty, but must be above the minimum stipend set by the IM
program. As typically arranged by the faculty, some students may be awarded a teaching
assistantship (TA). The responsibilities associated with your stipends depend on whether you have an
RA or a TA. Information about TA and RA support is available in the Graduate College Handbook.
All graduate students on assistantships have signed a Graduate Assistantship Letter of Intent that lists
the terms and conditions of their appointment. Generally, graduate assistantship appointments are
on a "one-half time" basis. "Half-time" is the maximum time appointment for graduate students since
the other half of your time is spent as a student in graduate studies and research. Appointments may
be terminated by mutual consent or for cause as described in the Graduate College Handbook. If you
have any questions regarding your appointment, see the IM Program Coordinator.
Payday at the University is the last working day of each month. Your paycheck will be sent through
campus mail to you by the ISU Treasurer to the university address you have given to the Human
Resources Office (Room 3810, Beardshear), or you may authorize the Treasurer to deposit your check
in a bank of your choice by completing an authorization form available at the Human Resources
Office. It is strongly recommended that you have your check sent to a banking institution. If
applicable, deductions are made for Federal and State income taxes.
Grants for Research
The Graduate Student Senate (GSS) provides funds to support graduate student research. GSS will
provide up to a maximum of $300 to each person submitting a research proposal. The projects for
which you submit the proposals must be unrelated to your thesis or dissertation research. It is
appropriate for you to apply for these funds during your first year while you are rotating through
research labs. You can obtain the "Request for Professional Advancement Grant" form on the web at
Grants for Professional Travel
Attendance and presentation of research results at professional meetings is an essential part of your
training. All students should, if possible, attend at least one national or international meeting during
their degree program.
To assist you in doing this, support for travel to professional meetings and conferences is available
from the Graduate College, the Graduate Student Senate, the IM Program and some home
To request travel funds from the Graduate College and the Graduate and Professional Student
Senate (GPSS), complete the online Professional Advancement Grants form (available at
To request travel funds from the IM Program, submit a copy of this form as well as an
abstract, if you are submitting one, to the IM Chair, or if requesting funds only from the IM
Program, submit your request directly to the IM Chair.
For first-year graduate students on rotation, your college is the Graduate College and the
signature of the IM Chair will be sufficient.
You may only receive one Professional Advancement Grant from the Graduate College and
Graduate Student Senate for travel each fiscal year.
The IM Program will provide support as funds are available. Eligible students may receive up
to $500 per travel per year.
Eligibility: students must be in good standing in their degree program, present research data
at a conference they will attend, and have their annual report submitted and up to date.
Some funding agencies have a 90-day limit for turning in travel expense vouchers. If your trip is being
supported in part by funds from your major professor, be sure to turn in your travel expense voucher
soon after you return to insure that you will be reimbursed.
ISU Student Health Insurance Program
Group Hospital, Surgical, and Medical Insurance:
Single student coverage under the ISU Student and Scholar Health Insurance Program is provided free
of charge to all graduate assistants at ISU. For new to ISU students, an ISU Insurance Program booklet
should be mailed to you through campus mail as soon as you are entered on the payroll system.
Students enroll for Health Insurance going on the line to Accessplus
https://accessplus.iastate.edu/frontdoor/login.jsp, clicking on the Student Tab and clicking through
on Health Insurance and following the instructions provided for registration.
Newly employed personnel should not drop any other insurance they may have until they know the
beginning date of the ISU insurance. The Student and Scholar Health Insurance Program is available
for the spouse/domestic partner of students and the children of students. For details and enrollment
cutoff dates on the ISU Student and Scholar Health Insurance Program, please contact the student
insurance representative (515-294-4820).
All international students, whether on assistantship or not, are required to carry the ISU Student
Health Insurance or to be covered by another health insurance policy. For more information, contact
the International Students and Scholars Office (ISSOS) in 3248 Memorial Union (294-1120).
Prescription Drug Benefit Program
Graduate students on assistantship receive single coverage free of charge in a prescription drug
benefit program that reduces the cost of generic and prescription drugs available at the Student
Health Center Pharmacy. Information on this benefit can be found at:
Health Service
As a student, you are eligible to use the ISU Student Health Service. Thielen Student Health Center is
a complete outpatient medical clinic located west of Beyer Hall. The health fee covers consultations
with medical staff and subsidizes charges for services, such as laboratory tests, immunizations, x-rays,
and pharmaceuticals. A range of services is offered, including medical exams (physicals), women’s
health care, sports medicine, physical therapy, STD testing and treatment, travel immunizations, and
a full-service pharmacy. Specialty services offered at a reduced rate include psychiatry, orthopedics,
and ear, nose and throat. A mandatory Student Health fee and Health Facility fee per semester will
be assessed to all students registered. The Thielen Student Health Center is located at Sheldon and
Union Drive on the northwest side of campus. http://www.health.iastate.edu
Additional information on the student group plan medical insurance and the benefits of the
mandatory health fee may be obtained at: http://www.hrs.iastate.edu/hrs/sship.
Dental Insurance is available for a fee: http://www.deltadentalia.com/.
Vacations and Sick Leave
A graduate student is classified as a “Student” when participating in a class or research in pursuit of a
degree. Graduate students on assistantship appointments are paid through the University and, as
such, are expected to conduct professional activities all days ISU is open, including days when classes
are not in session. Most students also conduct research on at least part of most weekends. Many
students find semester break a good time to make substantial research progress. Vacation should be
discussed with your major professor.
Rotation students can take short vacations during their rotations at holiday times, but to do so, they
must obtain permission from both the professor in whose lab they are rotating and the IM
Chair. Such permission should be obtained BEFORE reserving airline tickets or making other non-
refundable travel arrangements. Students who take vacation without prior approval will not be paid
for missed days and may suffer other administrative consequences at the discretion of the IM
Chair. Students who opt to leave the country for vacations or holidays and whose return is delayed
due to visa or other travel problems will likely have their payroll stopped beginning at the end of any
approved vacation days until they return to work.
All students are welcome to take vacation during University holidays. During the typical graduate
student rotation period (Aug 16-May 15), University holidays include Labor Day (September), 2 days
at Thanksgiving (November), 3 days at Christmas-New Year (December and January) and Martin
Luther King Day in January.
If you will be absent because of an illness, you should call your major professor as soon as possible on
the day you are sick and must be absent. On your return, you will need to fill out an Absence Request
form for sick leave in Workday. You should also use the form in advance when you have a planned
absence for medical reasons. Maternity/Paternity leave can be taken as sick leave and/or vacation.
Accumulated sick leave is forfeited upon completion of your appointment.
Injuries and Injury Reports
If you are injured while performing your duties as a Graduate Assistant, you must notify the office of
your home department or the IM Program Office and fill out an online form First Report of Injury
through the ISU Incident Portal at:
https://www.ehs.iastate.edu/services/occupational/InfoForAccidentsAndIncidents, as soon as you
are able to do so. This website outlines the medical treatment and reporting requirements. The
Thielen Student Health Center would be the first place to visit if you are on campus: Sheldon and
Union Drive, (515) 294-5801.
Student Counseling
Student Counseling Service (SCS) provides a wide range of services to help students gain the most
from their college experience. SCS offers career counseling, personal counseling, group counseling,
and workshops. Most services provided by SCS are short-term in nature, and SCS can assist students
needing long-term assistance with referrals to community services
Some of the typical issues SCS assists students with include career decision-making, coping with
relationship problems, low self-esteem, stress, loneliness, depression, cultural differences, sexual
assault recovery, trauma, childhood abuse, conflicts over sexuality, substance abuse, eating
disorders, academic motivation, and other concerns. Other services include the Substance Abuse
Prevention Program, Career Resource Center, Learning Disabilities Screening, Placement Testing, and
consultation and outreach services. SCS also provides consultation and training to faculty and staff to
assist them in addressing the psychological needs of students.
Crisis Services through Student Counseling Services
If you have an urgent matter and feel it would be important to speak to a counselor as soon as
possible, please call the SCS desk at 294-5056 and let the receptionist know that you are requesting a
same-day crisis appointment or simply come to our office in the Student Services Building on the 3rd
floor. SCS counselors save some appointments each day for such matters. If this is after hours or on a
weekend/holiday when SCS is not open, and you feel it is important to speak to someone, you may
call the Richmond Center at 515-232-5811. IF THIS IS A LIFE THREATENING SITUATION OR ONE THAT
Recreation Services Office: www.recservices.iastate.edu
Legal Assistance: www.dso.iastate.edu/sls
Student Organizations: https://www.stuorg.iastate.edu/
Dean of Students Office (DSO) and Student Assistance Services (SAS)
Members of the Dean of Students Office (DSO) and Student Assistance Services (SAS) assist students
as they manage issues surrounding academic concerns, personal matters/ emergencies, and
navigation of university policies and procedures. DSO/SAS staff members counsel students on
effective ways of filing academic grievances, refer students to university & community resources,
provide notification of faculty in emergency absence situations, intervene and follow up with
students experiencing mental and physical crises, and provide assistance in understanding the
University judicial system. In general, the DSO and SAS are places where students can find answers or
start on the path to their own solutions.
These pages are designed to alleviate some frequent concerns, but it can be very helpful to talk one-
on-one with a DSO staff member. Students, family members, and ISU faculty/staff seeking assistance
can contact dso-[email protected]. Coordinator of Outreach Services; stop in to the Dean of Students
Office (1010 Student Services Building); or call 515/294-1020 (TTY 515/294-6635) to schedule an
An Excellent Source of Information for all things graduate studentthe Iowa State University
Graduate College Handbook: http://www.grad-college.iastate.edu/handbook/.
Administrative Assistance
There are a number of offices on campus to help with the administration of your graduate program.
The main one for Microbiology students is the Interdepartmental Microbiology Office. Dai Nguyen is
the IM Program Coordinator and can provide help with questions about all administrative
procedures. (Academic advice about courses and rotations will be provided by your Temporary
Graduate Advisor or major professor).
Dai Nguyen
Interdepartmental Microbiology Program
207 Science I
FAX 515-294-6019
Office and Home Address
The Interdepartmental Microbiology program needs to know your local address and telephone
number and also needs to be informed of any changes in your address or phone number that may
occur during your tenure in the program.
All first year IM RAs will have a mailbox in the IM Program Office. Your permanent office (desk)
address will be determined once you have chosen a major professor. If you do laboratory rotations,
you should be given a temporary desk in each laboratory as you proceed through your rotations. You
may also be assigned temporary office space for your first academic year.
It is vital that you maintain good contact with Interdepartmental Microbiology personnel throughout
your graduate program. This is most easily done using e-mail.
E-mail. E-mail should be checked at least daily as this is the primary means of keeping students and
faculty informed about program activities. You may use the following e-mail addresses to reach all
students and faculty in the program:
micrograd@iastate.edu (reaches all IM graduate students)
microfac@iastate.edu (reaches all IM faculty members)
Internet. Most of the information that pertains to the program in general can be found at the
following web site: http://www.micrograd.iastate.edu/
Mail Service: You will normally pick up your mail in your home department. If you have not yet
chosen a home department, a temporary mailbox will be assigned to you in 207 Science I. You should
check for mail on a regular basis (at least twice a week). If the office door is unlocked but closed,
please feel free to come into the office to obtain your mail.
Bicycles: You can park your bicycle at many locations on campus. Except for walks labeled as bike
paths, bicycle riders must not use campus sidewalks. A bicycle used between sundown and sunrise
must be equipped with a headlight, tail lights or an adequate reflector, and a warning device.
Bicycles used only on campus can be registered free through the ISU Parking office. Bicycles used off
campus must be registered by the city of Ames. The licenses may be obtained from various locations
in Ames (Hy-Vee, Michael's Cyclery, all bike shops in Ames, Ames City Offices -Finance, the University
Book Store), from the Parking Systems Office in the Armory on campus or online
Buses: The city of Ames has an excellent bus system called CyRide. During the school year the buses
leave from most locations every 20 minutes. If you show a current, paid University fee card, you can
ride for free. http://www.cyride.com/
Cars and Parking: A copy of the ISU Traffic and Parking Regulations can be obtained from Public
Safety, Parking Division, 27 Armory. Consult the section covering students:
Interdepartmental Microbiology Graduate Program, Iowa State University
August 1 to July 31
All students majoring in Microbiology are required to submit an Annual Report to the IM Chair by August 15 of
each year. This Annual Report will be used as a tool to assess the strengths and weaknesses of the IM program,
as well as to monitor your progress. The information that is to be included, as well as a suggested format for
reporting your activities for the last year, is described below. Use only the headings for which you have
something significant to report, and report items in only one location (in the category which you feel is most
appropriate). Please include activities that have occurred during the period from August 1 of the previous
calendar year to July 31 of the year of the submission of the report. In addition to the Annual Report of Student
Activities, please provide a current Curriculum Vita that reflects your cumulative career activities. Provide the
completed Annual Report to the IM Program Coordinator by August 15.
I. Introduction
Dates covered by this Annual Report: (e.g., August 1– July 31, Current Year)
Semester that you first registered for courses
Date Home Department Established
Date of POSC Submitted
Date of Approval of POSC by the Grad College
Date of Preliminary Exam
Date that POS Committee last met
Awards and Honors
II. Academic Performance
Courses taken during the reporting year (list course name, number, instructor, credits, semester taken, and
III. Research Activities
Research Project (describe progress made in research during the reporting year)
IV. Publications
For publications during the last year, provide authors, date, title, name of journal or publication, volume,
and pages, and for each publication, estimate the percentage of the total contributions to the publication that
were your contributions in each of the following areas: Concept development and design (X%); data
acquisition (X%); data analysis (X%); writing (X%)
A. Refereed journal articles (Published, in press and in the review process. Do not include articles in
B. Non-refereed journal articles, newsletters, and conference proceedings in technical, semi-technical
and popular publications.
C. Books and chapters in books.
D. Published abstracts.
E. Published book reviews and letters or comments to the editor.
F. General audience publications such as bulletins, pamphlets, brochures, state-of-the-art updates, fact
sheets, home study materials, etc.
V. Presentations
Presentations (include oral and written presentations at scientific conferences, on campus, such as in
seminar series, and at other professional meetings; provide the name of the presentation, date, name of the
conference/meeting/seminar series, the type of presentation, such as a talk or poster, and estimate the
attendance at your presentation)
VI. Grants
Grants (For proposals that you have submitted or that list you as a participant, provide the following: title of
proposal, name of granting agency, amount of funds requested, effective dates of grant, principal
investigators, and your role in the grant. Provide this information for both proposals submitted and grants
funded; indicate funded grants.)
VII. Teaching Activities
Courses taught and Evaluation (list course number, course title, semester taught, credit hours, and number
enrolled; describe your teaching responsibilities; if possible, include evidence of evaluate teaching
effectiveness, including student evaluation summaries)
Course development (describe innovative teaching techniques and materials developed)
Mentor activities (describe activities in which you mentored other scientists in microbiology, including
children, high school students, undergraduate students, other graduate students, post-doctoral
researchers, visiting scientists, and faculty)
Other teaching accomplishments, including peer review of teaching activities and other significant activities
of the past year not already discussed
VIII. Professional Improvement Activities
Membership in Professional and Honor Societies (including MGSO)
Meetings, Conferences and Workshops attended
IX. Institutional and Professional Service
Committee Activities (Indicate membership on institutional and professional committees, offices held and
length of service; describe activities)
Other significant institutional and professional activities not already discussed
X. Other information useful in assessing your activities
XI. Program Feedback
If you have any comments, suggestions, or feedback on your courses, the IM program, or other factors that
are influencing your training program, you are welcome to include them.
Please attach a current Curriculum Vita to this completed Annual Report of Student Activities and send it via e-
mail to your Major Advisor, with the request that your Major Advisor review it and when approved, forward it
to the IM Program Coordinator. (dn[email protected])
NOTE: The IM Program must have up-to-date Annual Reports before the IM Chair will provide a signature of
approval on forms needed for advancement through the degree program.
Interdepartmental Microbiology Graduate Program Faculty
To Contact all IM
To Contact all IM Graduate Students:
Interdepartmental Microbiology
Allenspach-Jorn, Karin
Veterinary Clinical Sciences
Beattie, Gwyn
Plant Pathology, Ent & Micro
Beck, Joshua
Biomedical Sciences
Bellaire, Bryan
Vet Micro and Prev Medicine
Bhattacharyya, Madan
Blanchong, Julie A
Blitvich, Bradley
Vet Micro and Prev Medicine
Bobik, Thomas A
Biochem, Biophys & Mol Biol
Boury, Nancy
Plant Pathology, Ent & Micro
Brehm-Stecher, Byron F
Food Science & Human Nutrition
Burrough, Eric R
Vet Diagnostic and Prod Animal Med
Carlson, Steve
Biomedical Sciences
Cho, Michael
Biomedical Sciences
Cunnick, Joan E
Animal Science
Dickson, James S
Animal Science
Ellis, Timothy G
Civil, Construct. & Environ Eng.
Friedberg, Iddo
Vet Micro and Prev Medicine
Gauger, Phillip C
Vet Diag and Prod Anim Med
Gleason, Mark L
Plant Pathology and Microbiology
Gupta Mohan
Hall, Steven
Ecology, Evolution & Organismal Biol
Halverson, Larry J
Plant Pathology, Ent & Micro
Harrington, Thomas C
Plant Pathology, Ent & Micro
Harris, Steven
Plant Pathology, Ent & Micro
Howe, Adina
Agricultural and Biosystems Eng
Hwang, Soyoun
soyoun.hw[email protected]ov
Vet Micro and Prev Medicine
Ikuma, Kaoru
Civil, Constru. & Environ Eng.
Jarboe, Laura
Chemical & Biological Eng
Kohut, Marian L
Kreuder, Amanda Jo
Vet Diag and Prod Anim Med
Li, Ganwu
Vet Diag and Prod Anim Med
Looft, Torey P
Vet Micro and Prev Medicine
Lyte, Mark
Vet Micro and Prev Medicine
Mansell, Thomas Joseph
Chemical & Biological Eng
Mellata, Melha
Food Science & Human Nutrition
Mendonca, Aubrey F
Food Science & Human Nutrition
Miller, Cathy
Vet Micro and Prev Medicine
Miller, W. Allen
Plant Pathology, Ent & Micro
Munkvold, Gary P
Plant Pathology, Ent & Micro
Olsen, Steven
Veterinary Pathology
Ong, Say K
Civil, Construc & Environ Eng
Phillips, Gregory J
Vet Micro and Prev Medicine
Plummer, Paul J
Vet Diag and Prod Anim Med
Reuel, Nigel
Chemical & Biological Eng
Roth, James Allen
Vet Micro and Prev Medicine
Sahin, Orhan
Vet Diag and Prod Anim Med
Schmitz-Esser Stephan
Animal Science
Scupham, Alexandra
Vet Micro and Prev Medicine
Shao, Zengyi
Chemical & Biological Eng
Smith, Ryan Chad
Soupir, Michelle
Agricultural and Biosystems Eng
Sponseller, Brett A
Veterinary Clinical Sciences
Swanner, Elizabeth S
Vaughn, Eric Martin
Vet Micro and Prev Medicine
Verhoeven, David
Vet Micro and Prev Medicine
Wannemuehler, Michael
Vet Micro and Prev Medicine
Whitham, Steven Alan
Plant Pathology, Ent & Micro
Zhang, Jianqiang
Vet Diag and Prod Anim Med
Zhang, Qijing
Vet Micro and Prev Medicine
NOTE: For all forms:
The Director of Graduate Education (DOGE) is the IM Chair, Melha Mellata (Food Science and
Human Nutrition) 3346 Food Sciences, mmellata@iastate.edu, 515-294-9220).
To obtain the DOGE signature on any documents, please leave the document with Dai
The Department/Program is Interdepartmental Microbiology.
Add/Drop Forms
Use to add/drop courses after the first week of classes.
If you need assistance to add, drop, or change a course that cannot be done in AccessPlus, please let
Dai know.
Request for Professional Advancement Grant (PAG)
You can request funds from the Graduate College and the Graduate Student Senate (GSS) to attend
and/or present at conferences and symposia: https://www.gpss.iastate.edu/pag/apply.
Request to Establish a Home Department
Complete when you decide on your major professor and home department. https://www.grad-
Recommendation for POS Committee Appointment Worksheet
Complete when you have formed a POS Committee:
Request to Change Committee Appointment
Changes to POS Committee appointments can be made directly on the online POSC form through
AccessPlus (https://accessplus.iastate.edu/frontdoor/login.jsp)
Program of Study and Committee Appointment online form (POSC)
Should be completed by the end of the first year in your permanent lab. The online POSC form can
be completed and submitted through AccessPlus.
Ideally all of the IM core courses and seminars should be listed first so that they can be easily checked
for number of times taken. Additional courses can then be listed at the bottom of the form.
Modifications to the Program of Study
Changes to your approved POSC (such as to add or remove courses) can be made on the POSC form
directly in AccessPlus and submit for approval.
Request for Preliminary Examination
Use this form to indicate your intent to take your preliminary examination.
This form is now available on the Grad College website at https://www.grad-
college.iastate.edu/common/forms/student_forms.php. It must be completed and received by the
Graduate College 2 weeks in advance of your preliminary examination. The Preliminary Examination
Report form link will be sent to the IM Program Coordinator and to your major professor prior to
your scheduled exam.
Graduation Deadlines
This site provides the date deadlines by semester and the steps/forms necessary to graduate:
Application for Graduation (Diploma Slip)
See above deadlines for due date and submit Application for Graduation via Accessplus:
Thesis-Preliminary Format Check and Final Submission
ThesisInformation on Abstract, Preliminary Format Checklist, Final Submission Checklist and Thesis
sample pages can be found through this web site:
See above graduation deadlines for due date
A copy of your thesis must be provided to each of your committee members at
least three weeks prior to final oral examination.
Request for Final Oral Examination (See above deadlines for due date)
This form must be turned into the Graduate College 3 weeks in advance of your final examination:
https://www.grad-college.iastate.edu/common/forms/student_forms.php. The Final Examination
Report form will be sent to the IM Program Coordinator who should then send it on to your major
Approval Slip for Graduation
The Graduate College will send your department or major professor the Approval Slip with the
"Report of Final Examination" form after your Request for Final Examination is received and
Thesis Final Submission and Graduation Checklist
Includes information on deadlines
It is imperative that you understand the ethical standards of science and conduct your scholarly
activities accordingly. Scientists who commit unethical acts, whether from carelessness, ignorance, or
malice, quickly lose the respect of the scientific community and/or are prevented from practicing
science. Scientific misconduct includes such activities as: falsification of data, fabrication, deceptively
selective reporting, purposeful omission of conflicting data with the intent to falsify results, plagiarism,
representation of another’s work as one’s own, misappropriation of the ideas of others, the
unauthorized use of privileged information, misappropriation of funds or resources for personal gain,
and falsification of one’s credentials. At ISU, these acts are taken very seriously and constitute
“academic misconduct” (see ISU Graduate College Handbook). Individuals found guilty of academic
misconduct may suffer a variety of penalties, up to and including expulsion from the university.
Occasionally, you may be faced with situations in which you are tempted to act in a manner you think
might be unethical. If this occurs, we recommend discussing the situation with your major professor,
or another professor whom you trust, to determine whether the actions you are considering are
unethical. He or she should be able to suggest alternative actions that will be free of ethical questions.
Unfortunately, not all people understand or care about ethical issues and, at some time in your career,
you may be witness to an act you believe to be unethical. When the individuals committing the
presumed unethical acts are members of your own laboratory, or worse yet, individuals with power
over you, such as your major professor, the situation can be very awkward and you must proceed
cautiously. You will find yourself torn between a fear of retribution and a desire to stop the unethical
behavior before it hurts you and other members of your laboratory.
If you believe that unethical behavior is going on in your laboratory, we recommend that you first
attempt to discuss the situation informally with the person whom you think might be behaving
unethically. Sometimes friendly questions will resolve the problem. If you feel uncomfortable in this
approach, or if you have tried friendly approach and it didn’t resolve the problem, we recommend that
you discuss the situation informally with a professor whom you trust. You may also go directly to the
Chair of Interdepartmental Microbiology or a member of the Interdepartmental Microbiology
Supervisory Committee. All discussions with the Chair and the IM Supervisory Committee members will
be confidential. You may also go directly to Associate Vice-Provost for Research who is responsible for
investigating charges of academic misconduct on campus. No matter what you chose to do, you should
take great care to ensure the rights of the individual whose actions you are questioning. Frivolous
accusations of misconduct and vicious spreading of rumors are just as unethical as fabrication of data
or plagiarism.
All new graduate students participate in OSHA Lab Standard Training. This Training can be
conducted by the University Environmental Health and Safety Office (EHSO) (Ruth Book, Training,
294-8338) or the student can complete this requirement on-line by following these instructions:
Go to: http://www.ehs.iastate.edu/cms/default.asp
Click on: Learning Center Login:
LOGIN: using your University ID card number and password
Click on: On-Line Courses:
Take the following:
Chemical Hygiene Plan and Personal Protective Equipment
Fire Safety and Extinguisher Training
ISU-EPA Hazardous Waste Generator Online Training
NIH Guidelines
Biological Risk Assessment for Researchers
New graduate students will be required to participate in other lab safety training as scheduling
by EHSO allows. This can include: Personal Protective Equipment, Radiation Safety: What Non-
Radiation Laboratory Employees Need to Know, Hazardous Waste in the Laboratory: Five Critical
Factors, and Fire Extinguisher Training. To register for these courses go to:
Click on “Login
Click on “Register for Training/Training Calendar”. Note the months listed and look through the
listings by month for next available classes. Places, dates and times for training will be listed. You
should register for training as required and then attend the course.
Interdepartmental Microbiology Governance Document
This document was approved by a vote of the Interdepartmental Microbiology program faculty on July
9, 2003 and updated by majority vote of Microbiology program faculty on June 29, 2017.
I. Name of the Major
II. Mission Statement
Microbiology is integral to global well-being through its central role in agricultural productivity,
human health, environmental quality and restoration, industrial processes, and food production and
safety, as well as its contribution to a basic understanding of all living systems. The mission of the
Graduate Program at Iowa State University is to advance scientific discovery in microbiology by
providing education and research opportunities for future microbiologists.
The objectives of the major are:
To provide broad and robust graduate student training in Microbiology.
To enhance the national and international reputation of Iowa State University in the field of
To foster further intellectual exchange and research collaborations among Iowa State
Microbiology faculty, students and staff.
To provide a formal entity for seeking broad-based resources for the support of lecture
series, retreats, graduate assistantships, postdoctoral fellowships and various graduate
student prizes for excellence in Microbiological Research. This financial support will be
sought from the participating Iowa State colleges, private donations, and national training
grant awards.
III. Program Description
The program includes, but is not limited to, prokaryotic and eukaryotic microbiology, virology, the
interactions between microbes and animal, plant, and arthropod hosts, and the responses of those hosts
to the microbes.
The program includes faculty from a variety of disciplines, university departments, and national
IV. Degrees Offered
Ph.D. in Microbiology
Graduate minor in Microbiology
M.S. in Microbiology, thesis format only
Details of the requirements for each degree are provided in the program handbook.
V. Relationship of the Interdepartmental Microbiology Major to Participating Departments
Any department may participate in the Interdepartmental Microbiology program by supporting
departmental faculty and student participation in the Microbiology graduate major.
Participating departments will benefit from new and stimulating research interactions with
faculty and students from other cooperating departments and increased number and quality of
graduate students.
Chairs of participating departments agree to support Microbiology in the following ways:
1) through recognition of time spent by faculty who actively participate in the
operations of this interdepartmental major;
2) by support, as resources permit, of Microbiology graduate students working under
the guidance of their faculty; and
3) by supporting and encouraging relevant course offerings by departmental faculty.
VI. Students
Graduate students are the most important component of the Microbiology graduate program.
Students will be recruited and selected competitively according to procedures established by
the Microbiology faculty. Details of admission procedures, curriculum, rotations, exams and
other requirements will be provided in the program handbook. Responsibility for maintaining
and revising the Graduate Student Policies Document will reside with the Chair and
Supervisory Committee. Major changes in the document will require approval of the
Microbiology faculty.
VII. Faculty
To be awarded a degree in Microbiology, a student’s major professor must be a member of the
Interdepartmental Microbiology program. Any faculty member at Iowa State University who is
actively involved in microbiology research and graduate training may apply for membership in
Microbiology. Membership must be renewed every five years.
Prospective faculty should submit applications to the Supervisory Committee, which will
recommend actions to be taken to the Microbiology faculty at large. Information to be
contained in the application and recommended standards for acceptance will be established by
the Supervisory Committee. Acceptance of membership will be determined by a vote of the
Microbiology membership. Faculty will be asked every five years if they would like to renew
their membership.
VIII. Administration
The Interdepartmental Microbiology graduate major is the responsibility of the Microbiology
faculty and is administered by the Graduate College. The faculty elect a Chair, Associate Chair,
and Supervisory Committee from their membership. The Chair is designated "director of
graduate education" for the major and as such is the faculty member recognized by the
Graduate College to be responsible for the day-to-day supervision of the major and the
monitoring of student progress. The Chair signs for the major, appoints committees other than
the Supervisory Committee and provides general leadership.
Chair and Associate Chair
A Chair elected by the Microbiology faculty will coordinate all activities of the Interdepartmental
Microbiology program. The Microbiology Chair may reside in any participating department. The
term of office for the chair will be two years.
The Chair’s responsibilities include carrying out existing program policies, suggesting new
policies, administering the budget, serving as a liaison with higher administration, coordinating
the efforts of Microbiology committees, and supervising office staff. The Chair’s
responsibilities may be changed at any time at the discretion of the Supervisory Committee.
The Chair may also assign responsibilities to other Microbiology Committees, the Associate
Chair, faculty or staff; in this instance, however, the Chair will assume responsibility for
assuring that the tasks are performed satisfactorily.
The duties of the Associate Chair are to share in administrative duties, as assigned by the Chair.
This will relieve the Chair of some duties, provide training for the Associate Chair, and provide
more administrative continuity in the program.
Elections for Associate Chair (future Chair) will be held every two years and will be
administered by the Supervisory Committee. The Associate Chair serves for two years and then
becomes Chair for a term of two years.
Nominations for Associate Chair/Chair will be solicited from the Microbiology membership
and nominees willing to serve will be voted upon by the membership. The Supervisory
Committee has responsibility for assuring high quality nominations. During this process the
Supervisory Committee (or appointed nomination committee) will consult with the Graduate
College. Elections should be held by May 15; terms will start on July 1.
Supervisory Committee
A Supervisory Committee will be responsible for review of all aspects of the program, for
guiding the establishment of policy, for interpreting and implementing policies that have been
established by the Microbiology membership, and for advising the Chair.
In all decisions, each member, including the Chair, will have one vote. In case of disagreements
between the Supervisory Committee and the Chair, the Supervisory Committee will have final
authority. In the case of disagreements between the Supervisory Committee and the faculty, the
faculty view, as determined by referenda, will prevail.
Voting Membership - The Supervisory Committee will include the Chair, Associate Chair, ex
officio chair, and the chairs of any sub-committees.
Terms will start on August 1. The Supervisory Committee may appoint a Microbiology
member on a temporary basis to complete any unfinished term of a Committee member
or Associate Chair, or to substitute for a Committee member or Associate Chair on
Non-voting Membership –All Principal Investigators (PI) or Program Directors (PD) on all
training grants obtained for the purpose of supplying stipends for majors in
Microbiology will serve as non-voting members of the Supervisory Committee. The
president of the Microbiology Graduate Student Organization (MGSO), or a designated
representative, will also serve as a non-voting member.
Meetings - To ensure good communication between the Chair and the Supervisory Committee,
the Supervisory Committee should meet monthly, preferably at a regularly scheduled
time. It is the responsibility of the Chair to call the meetings; if the Chair is not
available, the Associate Chair may call the meetings.
Committees of Microbiology Faculty will be established as needed to perform tasks and advise
the Chair on matters such as student admissions, curriculum, academic standards and faculty
membership. The Chair will appoint members and chairs of these committees. The number,
membership, and responsibilities of the committees may be modified at any time at the
discretion of the Chair. In cases of disagreement between a Committee and the Chair, the
Supervisory Committee will have final authority.
Faculty Meetings
Full faculty meetings should be held at least once per year to update faculty on Microbiology
activities and to discuss issues of importance to the group. It is the responsibility of the Chair
to call the meetings; if the Chair is not available, the Associate Chair may call the meetings.
Establishment of Policies
All policies modifying core-course requirements and changes to this document must be
approved by a majority of the total Microbiology membership. All other policies may be
established by a vote of the Supervisory Committee. However, the Supervisory Committee
should consult with the faculty when making significant policy decisions and should hold
referenda for policy changes likely to be controversial. In addition, all policy decisions by the
Supervisory Committee must be announced to the faculty; if three or more faculty object to a
policy, a referendum must be held to determine its acceptance or rejection. Referenda on such
policies will be determined by a simple majority of the votes cast; at least 50% of the
Microbiology faculty must vote for a referendum to be valid.
Elections and Referenda
All elections and referenda will be determined by a majority vote of the Microbiology faculty
who respond to the call for votes; at least 50% of the membership must vote for an election or
referendum to be valid.
IX. Amendment of Governance Document
Amendment of this document requires a simple majority vote of the total Microbiology faculty.
Continuing registration as a graduate student at Iowa State University is contingent on maintaining
good standing in a graduate major. The Interdepartmental Microbiology (IM) Program expects that
students in the Microbiology major will complete their degrees in a satisfactory and timely manner.
However, there are several situations that may require severing the relationship between the IM
Program and a student.
1. Dismissal Criteria
A student may be dismissed, that is, removed from their degree program and not permitted to register
as an IM student, for the following reasons:
a. Failure to progress satisfactorily in his/her degree program
This may be evidenced by a lack of research progress, a lack of aptitude for microbiology, or
a failure to maintain a satisfactory academic standing, as defined by the Iowa State University
Graduate College Handbook.
b. Lack of a major professor
Because graduate degrees in Microbiology at Iowa State are centered about mentored
research projects, it is impossible to complete a degree without a research mentor, i.e., a major
professor. To maintain good standing and earn a degree in Microbiology, a student must have
an IM faculty member serving as his or her major professor.
A student admitted to IM on rotation has up to 6 months (M.S.) or 12 months (Ph.D.) from
the date of entry into the program to find a faculty member willing to serve as his or her major
professor (unless otherwise designated at the time of admission). If the student desires, the IM
Chair will help the student search for a major professor; however, final responsibility for finding
a major professor rests with the student.
Occasionally, faculty members who have previously agreed to serve as major professor
become unable or unwilling to serve. Common reasons include ill health or a change in job
status by the faculty ember, or poor performance by the student, such as described in Section
1a. Faculty desiring to terminate their service as major professor may do so by notifying the
student and the Chair in writing. A student who has lost his or her major professor has up to
three months after the date the Interdepartmental Microbiology Chair is notified to identify
another faculty member willing to serve. The Chair will help the student search for a new major
professor, if the student so desires; however, the responsibility for finding a faculty member
willing to serve as major professor rests with the student and success cannot be guaranteed.
c. Academic dishonesty
The proper conduct of science requires the highest standards of personal integrity. Because
of this, dishonesty in the classroom or in the conduct of research is considered a serious offense
by IM and by the University. Students accused of academic dishonesty will be dealt with
according to the procedures outlined in the University Catalog and the Faculty Handbook.
Possible punishments can include dismissal from the program and expulsion from the
University, depending on the severity of the offense.
2. Dismissal Procedures
A student’s POS committee, or if the student has no POS committee, the student’s major professor,
Temporary Graduate Advisor, or a member of the IM Supervisory Committee can recommend the
dismissal of a student for any of the reasons listed above. Recommendations for dismissal are made to
the IM Chair and are acted upon by the IM Supervisory Committee.
Procedures for dismissal are as described in the Iowa State University Graduate College Handbook.
Before a dismissal is decided, the IM Chair must give the student a written justification for why
dismissal is being considered. The IM Chair must also discuss the situation with the student, with the
IM Supervisory Committee, and with his or her POS committee and major professor (or Temporary
Graduate Advisor) in attempt to find a satisfactory resolution. These discussions constitute the
“informal conference” as described in the Graduate College Handbook. If a satisfactory resolution
cannot be reached and the Supervisory Committee votes to dismiss the student, either party may bring
the issue to the attention of the Associate Dean of the Graduate College for a decision. The student
may appeal the decision of the Associate Dean, as described in the Graduate College Handbook.
3. Responsibilities of the IM Program and the Major Professor
It is the responsibility of the IM Program to counsel students who are having academic difficulties,
to help students search for an acceptable major professor, or if students are unable to overcome these
difficulties, to help the students identify and apply to other appropriate degree programs. It is the
responsibility of the major professor to seek funds for a student’s assistantship and for the conduct of
research. Students performing satisfactorily can normally expect two years of support as either RA or
TA for an M.S. degree, three years for a Ph.D. with a prior M.S., and five years for a Ph.D. without a
prior M.S.; however, funding cannot be guaranteed.
4. Relationship between Status in IM and Termination of Financial Support
Although students in IM are normally supported on graduate assistantships, this is not a
requirement for continued participation in the major. Students not on assistantship will continue to
have regular status in the major so long as they have a major professor, remain in good standing, and
are registered. However, because assistantship support at Iowa State requires that a student be a
member of a graduate program, dismissal from IM requires that assistantship support be terminated,
unless the student is able to transfer to another graduate program at ISU.
Students with any doubt about their assistantship status should discuss their situation with their
major professor, the IM Chair, and/or the entity providing their assistantship support. For further
information on termination of assistantship appointments, see the Graduate College Handbook.
5. Appeal Process
The University has established appeal processes for student grievances. These vary depending on
the nature of the grievance and are described in the Graduate Handbook. Generally, these procedures
begin with the program chair. It is usually best for all parties if a satisfactory resolution can be reached
without initiating a formal appeal process. The Associate Dean of the Graduate College is available to
informally consult with students and faculty.
Complete information can be found at: http://policy.iastate.edu/policy/discrimination/
Selections from Iowa State University Discrimination and Harassment Policy follow:
Iowa State University prohibits discrimination, which can include disparate treatment directed
toward an individual or group of individuals based on race, ethnicity, sex, pregnancy, color, religion,
national origin, physical or mental disability, age (40 and over), marital status, sexual orientation
(including gender identity), status as a U.S Veteran (disabled, Vietnam, or other), or other protected
class, that adversely affects their employment or education.
Iowa State University also prohibits harassment, which can be a form of discrimination if it is
unwelcome and is sufficiently severe or pervasive so as to substantially interfere with a person's work
or education. Harassment may include, but is not limited to, threats, physical contact or violence, pranks,
jokes, epithets, derogatory comments, vandalism, or verbal, graphic, or written conduct directed at an
individual or individuals because of their race, ethnicity, sex, pregnancy, color, religion, national origin,
physical or mental disability, age, marital status, sexual orientation (including gender identity), or U.S.
veteran status. Even if actions are not directed at specific persons, a hostile environment may be created
when the conduct is sufficiently severe, pervasive or persistent so as to unreasonably interfere with or
limit the ability of an individual to work, study, or otherwise to participate in activities of the University.
It is the University's goal to prevent the occurrence of discriminatory and harassing activity and
to promptly stop such conduct. While grounded in state and federal non-discrimination laws, this policy
may cover those activities which, although not severe, persistent, or pervasive enough to meet the legal
definition of harassment, are inappropriate and unjustified in an educational or work environment. This
policy will be interpreted so as to avoid infringement upon First Amendment rights of free speech. The
University must be mindful of the tradition of academic freedom that includes the free exchange of ideas
inherent in an academic community. A determination as to whether discrimination or harassment has
occurred will be based upon the context in which the alleged conduct occurs.
Complaint Resolution
In an effort to prevent or stop discriminatory or harassing behavior, the University has adopted
specific avenues through which an individual can make his or her complaint known. With issues of
discrimination and harassment, it is important to identify and remedy the situation as soon as possible.
For this reason, the University has adopted two complaint resolution mechanisms for discrimination and
harassment concerns - informal and formal resolution. Claims of discrimination and harassment must be
brought either as an informal complaint or a formal complaint to ensure that appropriate action can be
taken right away. An informal complaint may, but need not be made before filing a formal complaint;
however, once a formal complaint has reached resolution, the same complaint cannot be brought as an
informal complaint.
To best remedy a situation, complainants are urged to promptly share concerns or complaints
rather than risking their well-being or negatively affecting the University's ability to investigate their
case due to the passage of time and potential departure of witnesses. If a formal complaint contains
incomplete information, the Office of Equal Opportunity and Diversity will promptly seek to gather the
needed information from the complainant. In the event that such information is not furnished to the
Office of Equal Opportunity and Diversity within 30 days from the date of the request, the case may be
closed. Consistent with federal regulations governing the filing of complaints, the Office of Equal
Opportunity and Diversity may decline to investigate claims in which none of the alleged discrimination
or harassing action occurred within the preceding 300 days.
Any employee, student, visitor, applicant, or program participant of Iowa State University may
file a complaint alleging discrimination or harassment in violation of the University's policy prohibiting
such conduct. In most cases, complaints against affiliates or contractors of Iowa State University must
first proceed through the affiliate or contractor before Iowa State University may intervene. Information
about the University's policy and resolution procedures may be found in several offices, including the
Dean of Students Office, the Student Counseling Service, the Women's Center, the Employee Assistance
Program, and the Office of Equal Opportunity and Diversity. As described at the above web site, the
University has designated and trained certain individuals, called Sexual Harassment Assistors, to assist
a potentially injured person in deciding if and how to proceed and in carrying out that decision.
Persons seeking general information or guidance about harassment or discrimination may be
concerned about whether the information they share with another person will be confidential. While the
university is eager to create a safe environment in which individuals can be unafraid to discuss concerns
and make complaints, legal obligations may require the university to take some action once it is informed
that harassment or discrimination may be occurring. Because of their positions of authority, certain
university personnel--i.e., central administrators, deans, directors, department chairs, supervisors, and
managers--are particularly obligated to take action when they receive a complaint of harassment or
discrimination. Although the confidentiality of the information received and the privacy of the
individuals involved cannot be guaranteed, they will be protected to as great an extent as is legally
possible. The expressed wishes of the complainant regarding confidentiality will be considered in the
context of the university's legal obligation to act upon the charge and the right of the charged party to be
informed concerning the charge.
The Office of Equal Opportunity and Diversity (EOD) is located at 3350 Beardshear Hall, right off
the elevator. http://www.hrs.iastate.edu/diversity/
ISU defines diversity as that quality of its physical, social, cultural and intellectual environment
which embraces the rich differences within the multiplicity of human expression and characteristics
including age, culture, ethnicity, gender identification and presentation, language and linguistic ability,
physical ability and quality, race, religion, sexual orientation, and socioeconomic status. “In order for
affirmative action or diversity to work, there has to be an environment that welcomes it, not just tolerates
it”, Carla R. Espinoza, Associate Vice President, Human Resources Services, Director, Equal
Opportunity & Diversity, January, 2006.
On-line training for courses such as Diversity, Harassment and Discrimination and Drug Free Workplace
are now available through ACCESS PLUS.
“Iowa State University does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, age, religion, national origin,
sexual orientation, gender identity, sex, marital status, disability, or status as a U.S. veteran. Inquiries
can be directed to the Director of Equal Opportunity and Diversity, 3210 Beardshear Hall, (515) 294-
Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP) Brief overview is below; please go to the website
for complete details. http://www.nsf.gov/funding/education.jsp?fund_type=2
Synopsis of Program: The National Science Foundation aims to ensure the vitality of the human
resource base of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics in the United States and to
reinforce its diversity by offering approximately 1,000 graduate fellowships in this competition. The
Graduate Research Fellowship provides three years of support for graduate study leading to research-
based master’s or doctoral degrees and is intended for students who are at the early stages of their
graduate study. The Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP) invests in graduate education for
a cadre of diverse individuals who demonstrate their potential to successfully complete graduate
degree programs in disciplines relevant to the mission of the National Science Foundation.
The three eligibility requirements for the Graduate Research Fellowship Program -- citizenship, degree
requirements, and field of study – are described. Applicants are advised to read the entire program
solicitation carefully to be sure that the requirements are interpreted properly. Applicants must exercise
judgment in assessing eligibility. Applicants must be United States citizens or nationals, or permanent
resident aliens of the United States. Fellowships are intended for individuals in the early stages of their
graduate study. Applicants must have completed no more than twelve months of full-time graduate
study at the time of their application. Fellowships are awarded for graduate study leading to research-
based Master’s or doctoral degrees in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics
supported by the National Science Foundation (See NSF-Supported Fields of Study). The NSF
welcomes applications for interdisciplinary programs of study and research.
GEM: http://www.gemfellowship.org/ Graduate Fellowships for Minority Students
The mission of The National GEM Consortium is to enhance the value of the nation's human capital by
increasing the participation of underrepresented groups (African Americans, American Indians, and
Hispanic Americans) at the master's and doctoral levels in engineering and science. We prepare
technical leaders for advanced careers in industry, academia, and government agencies by identifying
and selecting highly qualified GEM Fellows to complete a program of graduate study and internships.
Through our university and employer members, and other strategic partners, GEM develops funding to
award fellowships and builds mentor networks to support Fellows in achieving academic and
professional success.
On-Line availability of funding resources:
The office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) located at 1138 Pearson Hall (294-5225) assists students
seeking fellowships and research funding from sources outside the university (state, federal, and
private agencies). OSP maintains a library of directories and other materials on fellowships and grants
and publishes listings of funding opportunities in each edition of the University Newsletter.
Information on finding funding can be accessed via link at https://www.grantshub.iastate.edu/finding-