My Cookies: Inventory-Category v1 1
Digital Cookie
© 2022 Girl Scouts of the United States of America. All Rights Reserved.
My Cookies: Inventory by Category
Digital Cookie can help you make sure that you have enough cookies for your orders, track
your progress on delivering/selling offline orders AND/OR make sure that your records of
cookies received agrees with what your troop volunteer has given your Girl Scout.
To learn more, go to your “My Cookies” tab.
NOTE: The top part of your dashboard shows the total number of packages that have been
allocated to your Girl Scout from the Troop Cookie Volunteer. It could include booth sales or
troop sales. It is not the same as the number of cookies you are personally responsible for.
Step 1: The inventory section gives you a quick view of how many cookies you should still
have available and how many you may need to fill your in-person orders.
The first thing to note is “My Offline Sales”
This is something that needs to be updated by the Girl Scout/her caregiver when she
delivers cookies and receives a cash or check payment for them. If they are not entered in
this section, they will not be removed from her inventory and this section will not be
To enter offline sales, click the down arrow by the number of packages on the left side and
open a screen to enter those sales.
My Cookies: Inventory-Category v1 2
Digital Cookie
© 2022 Girl Scouts of the United States of America. All Rights Reserved.
When those are entered, click “Save Updates”
Step 2: There are three other sections that calculate your inventory. The first is “Current
Inventory”. Clicking the arrow to the left of the total number of packages will show you this
information by type of cookie. In general, if you seeSpecialty and Specialty 2”, those are
cookies that are at a higher price than the rest of the cookies. Check with your troop
volunteer for more information on what varieties are considered Specialty or Specialty 2.
If you click the arrow next to any of the categories, you will see more detail on how that
number was calculated.
My Cookies: Inventory-Category v1 3
Digital Cookie
© 2022 Girl Scouts of the United States of America. All Rights Reserved.
The “Received” numbers come from the information the troop volunteer has of how many
cookies you have received and signed for. If you believe there is an error in this, please
contact your troop volunteer.
The “Delivered” section will reflect the Offline Sales the girl has entered above, any sales the
Girl Scout made on her Mobile app using the “Give Cookies to Customer Now” feature and
any Girl Delivery orders that have been delivered and marked delivered to her customer on
the orders tab.
Step 3: The next section will show how many cookies you need to fill girl-delivery orders
you have approved and girl-delivery orders that you have yet to approve.
Expanding each category will show you how many orders are approved and how many are
needing to be approved with how much inventory you need for each of those categories.
Step 4: The final inventory section is Inventory Needed. This will show if you need any
packages of cookies to fill your orders.
My Cookies: Inventory-Category v1 4
Digital Cookie
© 2022 Girl Scouts of the United States of America. All Rights Reserved.
Expanding any of the sections that show a negative number will show you how many you
need and why. To know what varieties are needed, you will have to review your orders tab
and then work to secure more cookies to fill those orders.
If you have questions about any of the numbers of received orders, ask your troop cookie
volunteer for more information. Remember, it may take the volunteer a few days to enter
transactions, so be patient if you have received cookies from the troop that need to be